Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It is better to live rich than die rich

This is one of the best sayings I have heard in a long time

Of course, not many people will think that I am living poor - but let's put it this way, I spend far too much time thinking of how to spend my money more carefully. Shopping becomes a preliminary round of checking out by telephone and actual visits of finding a good deal. Then comes the hair splitting process of figuring out whether I really need/want the thing in question. And finally, comes the most painful part - spending the money to get it.

Of course the person who told me this was actually spending lots of money which belonged to his company which of course did not belong to him. For anyone who has an unlimited expense account for which he is not responsible, this would be the best way to live. It is always easy to be lavish when someone is picking up the tab .


I think the point of this statement is to live not extravagantly but to live well. To eat well, dress well and spend well. Most times we put off that extra something because we would rather save for a rainy day. From experience I can say that the rainy day will come when we least expect it and on that day, no amount of preparation can keep you really dry.

We should learn to take life as it comes - living in the moment and for the moment.

And what better way to live than to enjoy the good things of life.

So from today



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