Republic Day 2006

After years of being a totally Unco-operative Co-op Society, our Society finally woke up to the fact that we should live togetherin peace and harmony. To foster this spirit, we have 10 green benches in the garden where the grannies gather every evening to share the gossip. We also have a few Idli Dosa dinners which are held every once in a while. However, thinking that this interaction was just not good enough, the Manager of our society decided to get us all together to hoist the flag.
So, knowing full well the members' passion for sleeping in late on a holiday, 9.15 was deemed suitable enough for all of us to assemble at the end of the exit slope to hoist the flag.
Well , as usual we started late at almost 9.30 and when the string was tugged, nothing happened. So the string was tugged again.
nothing happened.
Finally ,the flag was brought down, the knot loosened and the string was tugged.
nothing happened.
This procedure was repeated yet again.
But still nothing happened.
The knot was tied so loosely that even a slight breeze would have unfurled the flag. There was no breeze, however, so when the string was tugged, the flag opened rather listlessly.
But still we cheered, sang the National Anthem and ate the Pedas that were distributed.
Next year we hope to hoist the flag in the middle of the garden so that all those lazy members need not even bother to come down to the slope!
Jai Hind!

i must admit i'm one of the lazy few who didn't even venture down to the garden! instead, my father and i (it was his idea) watched the tops of everyone's heads from our balcony, and played a new game...identifying all the oldies by their "baldness pattern"!
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