Only in India
In India Only we have a group of people who by caste are robbers, thieves and murderers. I never believed this delightful tid bit written about every now and then in the local papers, till I experienced this first hand two week's ago.
In broad daylight, in the middle of the afternoon , in an otherwise lean traffic period, I found myself engulfed by some very scruffy looking WOMEN, young girls infact who were herded into the bus by an elderly lady with whom I actually had a conversation!
After they got off the bus a stop after they got on, I heaved a sigh of relief that I could finally breathe easy. How wrong I was when I discovered that they had cleverly managed to make off with my wallet. At that time, I not only felt the pinch to my pocket but also felt lost and incapacitated without all the pieces of plastic that were essential identification for my daily life! Of course, all those who heard my story consoled me with their own stories of how their wallets were stolen and a few days' later were returned to them almost intact ( obviously with the money removed!).
So while I went about cancelling the cards, asking for new ones to be issued and even finally settling down to a new wallet, I kept wondering if my wallet would ever surface from the gang of pickpockets operating in this city.............
Yesterday morning while waiting in the car, I get a phone call from home .........
"Hey mom...your wallet's back!" Of course it was minus the money. Actually it was minus the wallet as well. The contents of my wallet were returned to me (with a few additional visiting cards, telephone cards and a club ID card belonging to another hapless soul..........) in an envelope marked " Dead Letter Office " in a very tatty condition sent by the Indian Post and Telegraph Dept!

So now from having no identity for a week, I now have a dual identity with the new id cards along with my old!
On another note and another topic:
Though I am no fan of Salman Khan, I feel it a darn shame that he should be indicted for the slaughter of a chinkara. Granted hunting is a blood thirsty sport and should be banned, granted also that the poor animal is an endangered species and has no one to take up its cause but considering the blatant thuggery that is going around in our country and the obviously public people who go scot free it seems a total witch hunt to go after this poor guy. If our courts want to make a point by prosecuting and punishing public figures, they should start at the top with our (dis)Honourable Ministers and Men of the Law who not only make and break every law of our land but actually look affronted when confronted with their faults!
In broad daylight, in the middle of the afternoon , in an otherwise lean traffic period, I found myself engulfed by some very scruffy looking WOMEN, young girls infact who were herded into the bus by an elderly lady with whom I actually had a conversation!
After they got off the bus a stop after they got on, I heaved a sigh of relief that I could finally breathe easy. How wrong I was when I discovered that they had cleverly managed to make off with my wallet. At that time, I not only felt the pinch to my pocket but also felt lost and incapacitated without all the pieces of plastic that were essential identification for my daily life! Of course, all those who heard my story consoled me with their own stories of how their wallets were stolen and a few days' later were returned to them almost intact ( obviously with the money removed!).
So while I went about cancelling the cards, asking for new ones to be issued and even finally settling down to a new wallet, I kept wondering if my wallet would ever surface from the gang of pickpockets operating in this city.............
Yesterday morning while waiting in the car, I get a phone call from home .........
"Hey mom...your wallet's back!" Of course it was minus the money. Actually it was minus the wallet as well. The contents of my wallet were returned to me (with a few additional visiting cards, telephone cards and a club ID card belonging to another hapless soul..........) in an envelope marked " Dead Letter Office " in a very tatty condition sent by the Indian Post and Telegraph Dept!

So now from having no identity for a week, I now have a dual identity with the new id cards along with my old!
On another note and another topic:
Though I am no fan of Salman Khan, I feel it a darn shame that he should be indicted for the slaughter of a chinkara. Granted hunting is a blood thirsty sport and should be banned, granted also that the poor animal is an endangered species and has no one to take up its cause but considering the blatant thuggery that is going around in our country and the obviously public people who go scot free it seems a total witch hunt to go after this poor guy. If our courts want to make a point by prosecuting and punishing public figures, they should start at the top with our (dis)Honourable Ministers and Men of the Law who not only make and break every law of our land but actually look affronted when confronted with their faults!
on the wallet's great that u got it back!
on the salman khan front, i think salman should be broughtto justice ALONG with the murderous politicians of our country. but ofcourse, since we can't wait till the real thugs are behind bars, we might as well make do with the semi-thugs like salman.
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